30+ Best Free Mac Apps You Should Install


Got a new Mac recently?

Aren’t sure what apps you need? Worry not, we present to you the 35 Best Free Mac Apps You Should Install-

We’ve covered a lot of premium applications since; in general, paid apps provide more than free apps.

That isn’t to say that there aren’t some decent free applications available. There are quite a few of these.

As a result, this will be a lengthy article because we’ve compiled a list of the 35 greatest free Mac apps available right now.

Some of the applications on our list are regular favorites, and you’ve undoubtedly already loaded many on your smartphone.

However, some of them will be brand new. Some of these new apps were unfamiliar to us, which is why we adored them even more. But regardless of how old an app is, it is still fresh to someone.

Depending on how experienced a Mac user you are, we’re confident you’ll discover new Mac applications in this post that you’ve never known of before. So, fire up your Macs and prepare to install these fantastic free Mac programs.

30+ Best Free Mac Apps You Should Install

Although the majority of the applications on this list are free, a few do have a premium version.

However, whenever it comes to premium applications, we’ve only listed ones that provide a substantial free version.

We use the free versions of all of the applications (that have paid alternatives) and find them to be enough for the majority of users. There isn’t a single app here that offers a free trial or an extremely limited free tier.

1. Audiobook Binder

While MP3 books may be listened to, we prefer the M4B format since it includes chapters. Apple Books also supports M4B as a native format.

This is the option to use if you wish to keep your music collection distinct from your book library. Audiobook Binder is a program that converts MP3 files to M4B format.

It also transforms MP3 files into chapters and allows you to link several MP3 songs into a single M4B file.

You may also customize the book cover and modify the metadata, such as the title, author, and narrator.

Again for the past year and a half, we’ve been using this app to listen to public sphere audiobooks and lectures, and it has never let us down.

2. LastPass

People tend to overlook password management. Not everyone is on board with the strong and varied password train since passwords are difficult to remember and most third-party password managers demand a monthly membership cost.

LastPass is a good option for such people. LastPass is a generous free tier that enables users to use the program on up to two computers.

If you wish to use this on more devices, you can always utilize its online version, which is available on all platforms. We’ve been using LastPass to handle our passwords for the past 2 years and never have had an issue.

Its apps are installed on both our MacBook Pro and iPhone (read more about MacBook Pro tips and tricks).

We have never had to write or recall our passwords because it supports browser plugins and the iPhone’s automatic password fill function.

Our passwords are all safe, lengthy, and contain a mix of alpha and numeric characters. Try LastPass if you’re still using the same password everywhere or creating weak passwords.

You have no reason not to utilize it because it is free for personal use. It’s one of the most useful free Mac applications available.

3. Brave

While we enjoy Safari and use it for the majority of our tasks, it isn’t flawless, and we occasionally have to switch to another browser.

Safari’s most serious flaw is its illogical extension library. Safari is likewise a slacker in adopting new web technologies.

We understand that Apple does this to make browsing private and safe, but it occasionally interferes with our job. We used Chrome for this task for a long time, but there were 2 factors we didn’t like about it.

To begin with, Google Chrome is a resource eater that reduces battery life, causes overheating, and creates a slew of other issues.

Second, and maybe more significantly, we don’t want to share any more of our data with Google than we currently do.

It was one of the factors that influenced our decision to move from Android to iOS some years ago. Brave browser is the answer to all your worries.

It’s a browser that utilizes the same Chromium engine as Google Chrome, so you’ll have access to all of the same functionality and add-ons.

However, because the developers place a premium on privacy, your information is always safe. It has an automated tracking blocker as well as the ability to block the majority of irritating advertisements.

You receive a quicker internet since it blocks the most dangerous scripts. Also, in our research, it handles resources considerably better than Google Chrome.

While it isn’t as excellent as Safari, We are willing to accept the trade-off. If you’re searching for an excellent Chrome alternative as well, you may check out this Brave browser right now.

4. CopyClip

CopyClip is a Mac application that keeps a clipboard of anything you copied. Copy-and-paste is so important to our jobs that we can’t envision a period when it wasn’t available.

Even yet, Mac’s clipboard is perhaps the most underappreciated feature in the operating system.

Even after all these years, you can only have one item on your clipboard. CopyClip steps in to eliminate this problem.

It’s a clipboard manager that stores clipboard entries. You may quickly copy anything and paste it wherever you want by using a simple keyboard shortcut.

Not only does CopyClip store text, but it also saves pictures and documents.

Although we prefer “Paste” for clipboard management since it has more capabilities, CopyClip does an excellent job for free software.

5. BBEdit

For a great many years, finding a good free text editor for Mac was difficult. All of the excellent ones were paid, and the ones that were given away were just not up to standard.

After a lengthy absence, BBEdit, one of the best text editors, has returned to the Mac App Store. BBEdit has been the text editor to match for the past 20 years, and now that it’s available on the App Store with a freemium model, you can use it for free.

Only the professional functions of BBEdit are behind a paywall, and the majority of normal users will not require them.

BBEdit is the text editor to use whether you’d like to compose a long blog post, modify bits of code, and create a website or web app.

The best feature about BBEdit is how quickly it operates. It never fails to open text files containing hundreds of thousands of words in minutes.

We haven’t lost a single line of text in the years we’ve been using this software. It includes a robust search feature that allows you to discover and identify keywords across many files. There is no free text editor that comes close to its capabilities.

6. NetNewsWire

The demise of Google Reader cast a pall over RSS users’ prospects. RSS, on the other hand, has shown signs of revival in the last year or two.

RSS readers are regaining popularity, thanks to the release of renowned RSS reader software Reeder 4 and the return of NetNewsWire.

And if you want to make your personal news feed, there’s no better app than NetNewsWire. NetNewsWire is a great feed reader for Mac that is built on top of Evergreen, a free and open-source reader.

The software makes it simple to connect to RSS feeds and includes powerful search features. It also has a lovely design, and we like the dark mode. It also works with Feedbin and other online feed synchronization providers.

Although we prefer Reeder 4 since it has more functionality, we cannot blame NetNewsWire because it is still young and free to use. If you’re searching for a free RSS reader, NetNewsWire is a good option.

7. DaVinci Resolve

Although Macs arrive with a free basic video editor (iMovie), anybody serious regarding video editing will need to invest in professional video editing software.

The issue with applications like Final Cut Pro and Adobe Premiere Pro is that they are quite expensive. DaVinci Resolve is the ideal alternative for you if you don’t want to pay hundreds of dollars but yet want to utilize a full-featured video editor.

Even as we write this, we can’t believe such a powerful video editor is available for free.

DaVinci Resolve 16, the most recent version of the program, integrates professional 8K editing, color correction, visual effects, and audio post-production into a single software package.

DaVinci Resolve’s color-correcting features are superior to those found in most premium video editors, including FCP and Premiere Pro.

It has all the tools you’d expect from a skilled video editor, including custom timeline settings, facial recognition, and key frame editing.

It is one of the greatest free Mac applications available. It doesn’t get much better than this when it comes to free Mac applications.

8. Folx

Folx is a strong native download manager for Mac that is not only functional but also attractive. It has a Mac-style UI and can download both direct and torrent files.

Extensions for Safari, Chrome, Opera, and Firefox are also available. The extensions assist Folx in capturing downloads, ensuring that you never use your browser’s terrible download manager.

Folx supports download pause and restart, as well as splitting downloads into several threads for quicker downloads.

Most users will be satisfied with the app’s free edition. We’ve been using it for years with no issues.

We just purchased the premium version to show our support for the creators. The new features are good to have, but they haven’t been changed significantly by use.

9. NightOwl

Our beloved desktop operating system now has a dark mode in macOS Mojave. On macOS Mojave, the dark mode isn’t half-baked as it is on Windows.

When you switch your Mac to dark mode, it changes not just the system UI but also all the stock applications.

Not only that, but applications that use automatic dark mode follow the same rules. They simply adjust to dark mode whenever you turn them on.

While this is wonderful in most cases, we wish Apple would offer a mechanism to set a whitelist of applications that aren’t compatible with dark mode.

The default Mail app and Evernote are two instances of apps that are still best used in light modes. That’s when NightOwl enters the picture.

It’s a menu bar app that lets you make a blacklist of apps you wouldn’t want to use in the night theme. Not only that, but it also lets you easily convert between dark and bright modes by clicking on its symbol.

More information on the app may be found in our post here. With an optional payment, the app is entirely free to download and then use.

10. Unsplash Wallpapers

Unsplash Wallpapers is a wallpaper software for Mac that offers you accessibility to an infinite number of ultra-high quality wallpapers for your Macs, as the name indicates.

One of our favorite aspects of MacBook’s is its display. Apple’s Macs have incredible screens. Everyone likes changing their backgrounds on a frequent basis simply because they look so darn good on Mac’s display.

Changing wallpapers used to be a pain before we found Unsplash Wallpapers. We had to first look for nice wallpapers, then download them, and then apply them.

You may change your background with a single click with the Unsplash Wallpapers app. You may even download a background if you like it. If you enjoy wallpapers, you’ll enjoy this free Mac software.

10. The Unarchiver

The program is the finest unarchiving app for your Mac, whether it’s free or not. The Unarchiver can read and unarchive a variety of file formats, including zipping, RAR (including v5), 7-zip, Tar, Gzip, and Bzip2, as well as StuffIt, DiskDoubler, LZH, ARJ, ARC, ISO and BIN disc images, Windows.EXE installers, and much more. Essentially, it’s a one-stop shop for all your unarchiving requirements.

13. Amphetamine

You all understand that Macs have a long battery life, and although part of it is due to Apple’s superb hardware, the majority of it is due to macOS’s smart battery management.

When users don’t engage with their Mac for a certain length of time, macOS will put it to sleep to conserve battery life. Although this is excellent, there are occasions when you need to keep your Mac operating even if you are not using it. This is one of the examples that come to mind; when you are downloading a large file.

If your Mac settles down in the middle of a download, it will halt it, and depending on the program you’re using to download the file, you may need to resume it from the start. Pretty annoying, right?

This problem is solved by amphetamine, which allows users to keep their Macs active even if they’re not using them. The software is quite strong, allowing users to keep their Macs awake for as long as they wish.

Furthermore, users may configure triggers to keep their Macs awake. You can tell Amphetamine, for instance, not to put your Mac to sleep if a specific app is open.

Finally, because it is located on the menu bar of your Mac, you can readily access all of these capabilities. It’s a great app that defines convenience.

14. GIPHY Capture

Today’s craze is gifs. Users are increasingly making and posting their gifs. And if you desire to be one among them, you’ll need this software.

GIPHY Capture is a gif-making software that allows you to capture and generate animated gifs. The program will open in a transparent green window with a capture button at the bottom after you activate it.

All you have to do is place the window over the video you want to record and press the capture button. When you’re through with the recording, press the record button again to end it.

It’s probably the simplest method for making gifs on your Mac. In short- a great addition to your gif collection.

14. Spectacle

On a new Mac, one of the first programs we install is Spectacle. Macs are great at a lot of things, but one aspect that they currently lack is a solid window management system.

Apple’s newest macOS Catalina still hasn’t fixed the window management issue, so we’ll have to wait another year. In fact, we believe the window management issue has gotten worse in macOS Catalina.

If you’re tired of Apple’s default approach to window management, Spectacle is a good option. It is a basic menu bar program that lets you use keyboard commands to resize and move windows.

You can simply move a window to the left or right side of the screen, make it full screen, snap it to the middle, and more. Your window management routine will be 10 times faster after you install this software.

15. ImageOptim

On the MacBook Pro, ImageOptim is one of the most often used free Mac applications. We have to submit a lot of screenshots in our area of work (like in this article).

We also run any image through ImageOptim before uploading it to our website. The software removes any extraneous metadata from the image, such as GPS coordinates and the camera’s serial number, and compresses it.

This allows us to upload the photograph on the web without compromising one’s privacy and keeps the file sizes small.

The app is simple to operate. Simply drag and drop photos into the window, then click the bottom-right corner button.

It’s a good idea to run your photos through ImageOptim first if you publish a lot of images on the web (whether on your blog or on social networking sites like twitter and Facebook).

We’ve tried several commercial image compression applications, but none of them compare to ImageOptim in terms of quality and ease of the user.

Install: ImageOptim

16. Alfred 4

Alfred is a multi-purpose Mac application that may greatly increase your productivity if you understand how to utilize it. For sure, this software has a learning curve, but it will pay off if you invest in it.

You may use Alfred to start programs fast, employ text expansion snippets, search on the Mac and the web, use hotkeys and keywords, and so much more. Alfred was formerly a premium program, but the makers were gracious enough to make it available for free.

You may purchase add-on power packs to use amazing features like Alfred workflows. However, for most regular users, the free app is sufficient to increase their efficiency.

Install: Alfred 4

17. Pocket

Pocket is a popular read-it-later service that allows you to save articles for offline reading later.

We mainly read articles on my Mac, and if we come across something interesting, we store it in Pocket. Pocket is a fantastic Safari plugin that allows users to store items to read later.

All of the saved articles are instantly synchronized to my iPhone, where we can read them whenever we want because Pocket syncs between devices.

We’ve recently begun to use Pocket as a research tool. Because Pocket allows users to use tags to organize my saved articles, we just tag the stuff we are using for research so that I can find them quickly afterward.

Install: Pocket

18. Spark

Spark is a Mac email client for those who are unfamiliar. We like Spark because it smartly categorizes all of our emails into several categories, allowing us to quickly access the most essential ones.

It also comes with a comprehensive range of functions. We can snooze, archive, delete, and tag emails with ease. We also appreciate how easy it is to look for emails using natural language search.

In addition, we may search for emails based on attachments and other criteria. Finally, Spark offers applications for both iOS and watchOS, so we can use Sparks to go through all of our emails regardless of whatever device we are using.

Install: Spark

19. GIMP

GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is an open-source picture editor for Mac that has so many capabilities that you will never be able to use them all.

It’s similar to Photoshop, except it’s free. GIMP can be used to do almost any image alteration you can think of. GIMP, also, has a rather high learning curve due to its extensive feature set.

Furthermore, being a free and open-source project, its user interface is unintuitive and outdated. As a result, we only suggest GIMP to those who want a powerful picture editing program but cannot afford to purchase it.

Install: GIMP

20. DarkTable

According to the app’s website description, “DarkTable is an open-source raw development and workflow program for photographers.

Photographers may use this as a virtual light table and darkroom. It keeps track of your digital negatives in a database, allows you to examine them on a zoom able light table, and helps you develop and improve raw photos.

It’s a sophisticated picture editing program for Mac that gives you access to professional-level photo editing features for free.

You must master the software since it has a steep learning curve, but once you do, you will never go back to even the most expensive photo editing applications on the market.

This is one of the 2019 free Mac applications.

Install: DarkTable

21. Simplenote

Simplenote is one of the most beautifully designed free Mac applications available. Simplenote, as its name indicates, is simple note-taking software that allows you to write down notes quickly.

What we like about this software is that your notes are synchronized between devices, even though it is absolutely free. Aside from the internet sync functions, we like the simple user interface.

Simplenote is also a great software for anyone who wants a simple way to compose long-form material.

Tags can help you organize your notes and find them quickly by searching for them by title, content, or tags.

We’re still baffled as to how it’s free. Simplenote is a must-have for anybody who enjoys writing.

Install: Simplenote

22. Itsycal

Itsycal is a Mac calendar application with a short menu bar. Itsycal is for you if you enjoy Fantastical 2 for Mac but don’t like how expensive it is.

Itsycal isn’t as powerful as Fantastical 2, but it has all of the essential features you’d expect from menu bar-based calendar software.

It displays a monthly view of your calendar, as well as your future events and the ability to create and remove events. We particularly appreciate the fact that we can set Itsycal to display not just the date, but also the month and day in the menu bar icon.

It’s useful menu bar software that’s a must-have for everyone who uses their calendar to keep track of just about everything.

Install: Itsycal

23. Audacity

Audacity is one of those rare free Mac applications that outperform most commercial alternatives. Audacity is a Mac audio editing software (available for Windows PC too).

If you work with a lot of audio, you’ve probably heard of this program. You don’t need it if you haven’t already. Nonetheless, it’s such a great app that we couldn’t leave it off the list.

Just keep in mind that Audacity is the program to use if you ever need to improve an audio track.

Install: Audacity

24. Lightworks

Lightworks is a full-featured video editing app that provides you with all of the tools you’ll need to get started.

To be honest, Lightworks does sell a Pro edition of the program, but the free version is capable of doing the majority of jobs.

Lightworks is the ideal tool for you if you’re a budding YouTuber or just want to give your home films a professional look.

What we like best about this software is that the website contains a wealth of training videos to help you get started.

If you’re searching for a free video editing program, go no further than Lightworks.

Install: Lightworks

25. HiddenMe

HiddenMe is a little menu bar software that comes in useful when you need to present a clean desktop but don’t want to manage your files.

The program resides in your menu bar and enables you to do one and only one thing: hide everything on your desktop. Everything on your desktop is concealed with a single click of the button, providing you access to a clean desktop.

When capturing pictures of the desktop for some articles, we always use this program. This tiny program has rescued us from embarrassment on several occasions, and it can do the same for anyone.

Install: HiddenMe

26. AppCleaner

Did you know that when you delete a program from your Mac, it leaves a slew of leftover files which do nothing but chew up space on your hard drive?

It’s real, and if you’ve installed and uninstalled a lot of programs, you’ve probably already lost terabytes of data.

While there is another software on our list (Onyx) that can help you recover that storage, AppCleaner ensures that the applications you uninstall do not leave any leftover data.

Simply open the app and drag and drop the applications you wish to remove; the app will handle the rest. It’s an essential utility application for every Mac user who wishes to keep their computer tidy.

Install: AppCleaner

27. LiteIcon

LiteIcon is an app created by the same people that created AppCleaner.

It’s simple software that lets you quickly and simply modify your system icons. Simply drag an icon onto the one you wish to modify, and then click Apply Changes.

That’s all there is to it. Simply drag out the new icon to restore your previous icon. Try LiteIcon if you want to change the appearance of your Mac icons.

Install: LiteIcon

28. GrandPerspective

It is a program that allows you to visualize storage on your Mac. Using GrandPerspective, you can quickly determine which files are consuming the most storage space and locate and remove any files that are no longer required.

GrandPerspective is a great tool for anyone who has no idea where all of their Mac’s storage has gone.

Install: GrandPerspective

29. Manuscript

The manuscript is a free Mac writing tool for students that make it simpler to complete academic projects, such as dissertations.

The manuscript is a sophisticated writing tool that helps students to complete their projects from beginning to end, from preparation to completion.

It allows students to quickly add citations, pictures, tables, mathematical equations, and other elements to their papers. Citations may be imported from a variety of programs, including Mendeley, Zotero, Papers 3, Bookends, and EndNote.

You don’t need to look any farther than Manuscript if you’re a student searching for an excellent writing tool.

Install: Manuscript

30. IINA

IINA is a free open-source video player for Mac that has one of the greatest feature sets and user interfaces.

The software is incredibly attractive, and it includes all of the latest capabilities, such as force touch, picture-in-picture, and Touch-bar controls for the latest MacBook Pros.

IINA also supports virtually any video format you can think of, including GIFs. The software also has theming options, enabling you to choose between bright and dark themes.

We’ve only had this app for a few weeks, but we are already in love with it. This is the software for you if you use your MacBook Pro to consume a lot of media.

Install: IINA

31. OnyX

OnyX is your one-stop-shop for all of your Mac’s upkeep requirements. We can’t think of a better or more succinct way to describe the program than what’s stated on its webpage.

OnyX is a multipurpose utility that can be used to confirm the structure of system files, perform various maintenance and cleaning tasks, configure parameters in the Finder, Dock, Safari, and some Apple applications, delete caches, remove problematic folders and files, rebuild databases and indexes, and far more.

However, keep in mind that this is a sophisticated program, so familiarize yourself with it first. You don’t want to remove files that would destroy your entire machine.

Install: Onyx

32. SpotMenu

The SpotMenu program is a handy small menu bar app. The software simply lets you operate your iTunes and Spotify music players from the menu bar, including options like play, pause, forward, and rewind.

Although it is a very basic application, it is quite useful. One feature of the program that we enjoy is that it displays the name of the music presently playing on your Mac’s menu bar.

When you click the icon, a drop-down box appears with all of the features, as well as the album art for the song you’re listening to.

Install: SpotMenu

33. White Noise Lite

White Noise Lite is an app that aids in good sleep. This software can help you sleep better if you are a light sleeper who wakes up several times during the night for no obvious cause.

It provides you with fifty various HD quality ambient environment noises to aid your sleep. The app features a lovely cover flow design that allows you to simply swipe through cards to pick various tasks.

Although the software advertises itself as a sleep aid, you may prefer to use it as background music while working since it helps in concentration.

You should get this app right away and see whether it improves your sleep or productivity. Whatever the outcome, you’ll be better off having this one on your laptop.

Install: White Noise Lite

34. Shazam

Shazam is a well-known app that requires no explanation. The software assists you in finding new music by detecting what is playing in the background.

Shazam is more of a tool for us to keep track of the music we have discovered. Let’s say you are listening to music on YouTube that you’d want to remember.

Then simply click on the Shazam symbol in the menu bar and it recognizes the music and adds it to the list. It’s not necessary for you to write it down anyplace.

Later, you’ll be able to access the list and add it to your Apple Music Playlist as needed. Shazam is fantastic software for finding and keeping track of the music you enjoy.

Install: Shazam

35. Muzzy

Muzzy provides the same feature to your Mac. Do you remember how when you accidentally take headphones out of your iPhone, the music suddenly stops? The software also allows users to play, stop, and change music from its menu bar app, which connects with Last.FM, and displays song lyrics, among other features. However, we are uninterested in any of the other functions, and we just use this app to pause music when we unintentionally remove our headphones. Regrettably, the app only works if you’re listening to music via iTunes.

Install: Muzzy

Best Free macOS Apps: conclusion

We hope you discovered some applications that you may find useful. Please let us know which ones you liked most and which ones you uncovered.

Also, if you know of any free applications that should be on the list but aren’t, please let us know in the comments. For the time being, that is all we have for this topic.

If you like this post, please share it on your social network sites to help us spread the word. As usual, feel free to share your thoughts and recommendations in the box below.

We love hearing from our readers, and your feedback is always appreciated. Thanks for reading!

Yuvraj kore
Yuvraj korehttps://www.mrtechnomind.com/
Welcome to our blog! My name is Yuvraj Kore, and I am a blogger who has been exploring the world of blogging since 2017. It all started back in 2014 when I attended a digital marketing program at college and learned about the intriguing world of blogging.

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